
Billberry leaf tea is good for many things. Billberry is a shrub from the blueberry family. The tea is good for maintaining eye health by strengthening blood vessels in the eye. The leaf has been used to treat diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels and may lower cholesterol.
Consult your doctor before using.

Eye Health

Its never too soon to take care of your eyes.

Nutrition plays a vital role in human health . Healthy eyes provide good vision, which is essential for an satisfying and productive lifestyle. Here are some herbs and supplements that may help with eye health

Ginkgo Biloba – Ginkgo seems to improve blood circulation, which might help the brain,

eyes, ears, and legs function better. It may slow down Alzheimer’s disease by interfering

with changes in the brain that interfere with thinking.

Billberry: A cousin of the blueberry , it has Anthocyanosides which are plant pigments that have
powerful antioxidant properties. Studies showed that bilberry had positive effects on vision in lower
light environments.
In other studies, bilberry shows many other health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and macular degeneration. Bilberry also contains vitamin C.
Also add Vitamin A , Vitamin E ,Lutein and Zexnthin ( green vegetables ) to your diet.

Eye Health

Its never too soon take care of your eyes.

Nutrition plays a vital role in human health. Healthy eyes provide good vision, which is essential for a satisfying and productive lifestyle.  I will list some herbs/foods that may improve eye health. A few of them I actually use and I have found them to be extremely helpful. Please add these items to your shopping list.

Ginkgo Biloba

Sweet Potatoes
Brussels sprouts
Swiss Chard

Vitamin A, C, E 

Herbs for eye health

We all know that carrots are helpful for eye health. As you get older the functioning of your eyes may diminish , somethings we can control but somethings we can’t . Really all we have is control of our bodies and what we consume. So lets share some herbs that may be helpful in maintaining eye health. Eyebright, Gingko biloba ,Bilberry,(high in bioflavonoids) and Saffron to name a few.

Herbs for eye health

We all know that carrots are helpful for eye health. As you get older the functioning of your eyes may diminish , somethings we can control but somethings we can’t . Really all we have is control of our bodies and what we consume. So lets share some herbs that may be helpful in maintaining eye health. Eyebright, Gingko biloba ,Bilberry,(high in bioflavonoids) and Saffron to name a few.